Salesforce Talent network

Jobs n Gigs: Salesforce Talent Network

“You’ve got a friend in me

You’ve got troubles, and I’ve got ’em, too

There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you

We stick together and we see it through

‘Cause you’ve got a friend in me”

If you know this song, then you already know that I’m referring to “Toy Story” the Disney movie which showcases that true friends would do anything for you. Be it rescuing Buzz from Sid or getting him out of his depression, Woody has always stuck his neck out for Buzz.

Likewise, the story that I’m about to narrate is something similar to the kind of friendship that Buzz and Woody share. 

Leo, who was working as a Salesforce developer at a small-sized tech startup in Chicago wasn’t very happy with his salary package. Although he was technically savvy, possessed great programming and problem-solving skills, he hadn’t received any raise in the last 2 years. 

When Leo vented to Ben, Ben mentioned that he had heard his colleagues recently discussing that as per the International Data Corporation (IDC), Salesforce and its ecosystem of partners would be creating 9.3 million new jobs worldwide by 2026, and that the global talent demand for Salesforce was up by 383%, whereas supply was at 20.6% as per the 2022 Salesforce Talent Ecosystem Report from 10K!

Ben, who was working at a big tech firm as a Java developer, mentioned that his firm had recently invested in and implemented the Salesforce CRM platform and advised Leo to apply to the open positions for the Salesforce domain.

In a matter of 15 days Leo was employed in Ben’s firm as a senior Salesforce developer with an excellent package.

If we can all agree on one thing, it is that not everyone is lucky enough to have a friend like Woody. But hey, what if we told you that you don’t need Woody or Ben, because you’ve got a friend in Jobs n Gigs!

Jobs n Gigs is the most trusted AI-powered job marketplace in the United States that enables talent to find great jobs in the technology domain with some of the best employers including both Fortune-500 companies and exciting startups that value experience, talent, and skill.

4 reasons why you should be part of the Jobs n Gigs talent team:

1. Smart AI-powered recommendations:

With the help of AI-powered recommendations, Jobs n Gigs help talent secure jobs based on their skills and interests just as Woody knows what Buzz needs when he can’t figure things out by himself.

2. Trust and transparency:

Just as Buzz and Woody are always honest and don’t keep any secrets from each other, likewise Jobs n Gigs follows a zero-tolerance policy for secrecy. It provides complete transparency for its talent in terms of job details, engagement financials, and company background.

3. Receive higher pay: 

Jobs n Gigs charges between 5–20% of the billing rate for its clients, ensuring that candidates receive a lion’s share of the billing i.e., 80-95%.

4. Flexible engagements:

At Jobs n Gigs candidates can connect directly with their prospective employers to discuss or negotiate work engagements and salary details regardless of whether it’s a full-time or part-time working opportunity at the office or one that requires telecommuting.

So, to let us help you get your dream job, all you’ve got to do is create your account on Jobs n Gigs and leave the rest to our Talent Relationship Manager (TRM)!

Visit and upload your resume NOW! 

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