Win exciting prizes on Jobs n Gigs

What's Deikaa?
Deikaa is a rewards platform used by businesses and apps to thank their customers and users for their patronage. Every Deikaa token that you get from these businesses and apps gives you a chance to win exciting prizes like laptops, smartphones, smartwatches, and more every week, and even grand prizes like a brand new car every year!
How do I win rewards?
Jobs n Gigs has partnered with Deikaa to reward your Jobs n Gigs journey, all you got to do is…
1. Join the reward program
We'll setup your Deikaa account with your registered Jobs n Gigs email on your behalf.
2. Keep using Jobs n Gigs and earning tokens!
Search for new opportunities or simply keep doing your job -- and you'll keep earning tokens, with each one of them increasing your chances of winning exciting prizes!
3. Win exciting prizes on Deikaa!
Install the FREE Deikaa app and keep an eye out for laptops, smartphones, TVs, etc., coming your way 😉
To learn more about Deikaa, please visit
Start working, and winning!
Join Jobs n Gigs now to seek your dream job, and win exciting prizes to do it!